
Custom App Spotlight: ‘Ōlelo’s Mobile App

‘Ōlelo Community Media is a non-profit organization located in Hawaii, dedicated to providing media education and community access to television production resources. The organization’s mission is to empower community members to tell their own stories and share their perspectives through media production. ‘Ōlelo offers a wide range of services to the community, including media training,…

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Apple Allows Push Notifications for Non App Store Apps

You will now be able to send push notifications without having an app in the app store. This is big news, and honestly we never thought it would happen. Here’s the tl;dr: This is big 🤯 Apple recently announced that iOS devices running iOS 16.4 will now be able to receive push notifications for home…

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WooCommerce App Builder

As the world of eCommerce continues to evolve, it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to make sure they are keeping up with the latest technology. One of the most important steps a business can take is to create an app for the app stores. There are many different ways to do this, but one of…

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Custom App Spotlight: All the World – Better Learning All the World is a weekly educational show featuring live-action videos for children, think “Mr. Rogers meets NatGeo”. Our Custom App Development Team developed the All The World mobile app which is available in the App Stores for download on iOS and Android Devices. This iOS and Android app features a weekly educational show…

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New App: Share and Upvote WordPress Community Content

The new Capital P Dangit app by AppPresser is live on the app stores. Download it (links below) to find the best content from around the WordPress community. Share, upvote, and even submit your articles in a user friendly mobile app. This app was built with AppPresser just for fun. Here are some of the…

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Apple In App Purchase Fees Cut in Half

In App Purchases

Apple recently announced that they will be dropping their commissions on in app purchases to 15% starting January 1st, 2021. The fees will be reduced for anyone making under $1 million per year, which they classify as Small Businesses. From Apple’s announcement: Existing developers who made up to $1 million in 2020 for all of…

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PhoneGap Build is Dead. Here are some alternatives.

PhoneGap Build, the cloud build service for hybrid Cordova and Ionic apps, will be discontinued later this year. The team at PhoneGap has been neglecting this service for a long time, so it’s not much of a surprise. Here at AppPresser we used their service in the past, and in this article we’ll talk about…

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Create a Mobile App For Your WordPress Membership Site

If you use a WordPress membership plugin like Memberpress, Restrict Content, Paid Memberships Pro, WooCommerce Memberships, and almost any other, you can build a mobile app for iOS and Android using AppPresser. (Updated for AppPresser 4) AppPresser has a more robust and customizable WordPress membership app builder than any other platform. Here are some things…

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Important News About AppPresser 3 Apps and the Apple App Store

Recently Apple announced that they were deprecating a component called the UIWebview, used widely amongst app developers. The specific error is ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage, which you may have seen before. Their announcement stated that they would no longer accept new apps to the app store starting in April 2020, and updates to existing apps…

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What’s new in mobile this month?

Here’s a quick glimpse at what’s happening with mobile right now. iOS 13 iOS 13 is will be out on September 19th. Some notable new features include dark mode, Apple sign in, improvements to photo editing and Siri, and more. Android 10 Android 10 is out, and it has some great new features. Smart replies…

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