Membership Mobile Apps
Protect your content, allow users to register and login, and more. Integrate your membership plugin so app users see only what they are allowed to see.

AppPresser Membership Features Demo
This video shows a demo of protecting content via login, user role, and more.
A mobile app increases the value of your member's only community, and allows you to engage your members in a new way.
Send them push notifications, allow them faster access to your content, and get more engagement.
An AppPresser app is a perfect companion to your WordPress membership site, you can integrate any plugin such as Restrict Content Pro, MemberPress, Paid Memberships Pro, Woo Memberships, and lots more.
You can integrate the app fully with your membership site. Protect your content by forcing users to login, any user on your WordPress site can use the same login for the app. New users can also register through the app.
Any WordPress pages will be protected the same way as on your website, the app respects different levels of membership. (If you use our API based integrations, your membership plugin will need to support the WP-API or you can write custom code)
Login and registration features
AppPresser has an API based login and registration modal used in the app. It is fast and smooth, and has additional password reset and email verification features.
You can hide menu items and page components only for logged in users, and any WordPress pages work the same way they do on your site. All membership content is protected through your membership plugin.
Once a member is logged in, the app displays their name and avatar in the side menu.
In App Purchases
If you sell a premium membership through your website, and allow access to premium content in the app, you must add an in app purchase.
The app stores require that app users are able to purchase your premium membership inside the app using an in app purchase, or else your app will not be accepted to the app stores. All purchases go through the app stores, and they take 15-30% of the revenue.
Don't want to give the App Stores 15-30% of your revenue? No problem.
Most people just want to charge through their website and then allow users to access premium content through the app. If you don't want to give up a piece of your revenue, here's what you can do:
- Create an in app purchase that costs more than your website
- Tell your app users that it costs less to signup on your website, and encourage them to do that instead
- Most people will sign up on your website, but if they sign up in the app that's fine too since it costs more
You can see an example in app purchase in the Art of Manliness app on our examples page.
Setting up an in app purchase requires some extra setup, and is only available on the plus plans.
Learn more about in app purchases here.
Free ebook: Everything you need to know about mobile apps
Learn how to build an app from scratch with AppPresser.