
Your Visual App Customizer
Choose what pages you want in the app, customize everything, and get instant visual feedback.
Live App Preview
See a live app preview the whole time you are designing your app, so you always know how it looks.
Familiar WordPress Customizer
If you've used WordPress, you will feel right at home in our modified version of the theme customizer.
Device Testing
Build your app for testing on your device, and app store submission.
The AppPresser Component System
AppPresser allows you to combine multiple WordPress components together to create your app.
For example, you can use our BuddyPress component along with our LearnDash component, and create an online learning app that also allows students to chat and message each other. You can add your WordPress posts along with a login/registration component to make a premium, member’s only component in your app.
The possibilities are endless.
What Type of Apps Can I Build?
AppPresser allows you to build an app from any WordPress website. Some examples include: WooCommerce apps, Membership apps, BuddyPress apps, BuddyBoss app, Podcast apps, LearnDash apps, Nonprofit apps, and more. Build an app for your school, church, event, organization, store, or WordPress based small business.
AppPresser App Demo
Push Notifications
Push notifications are easier to setup and more flexible, and now they are included at no extra cost.
Send notifications from WordPress using the AppPush plugin, our dashboard, or anywhere using our custom API. Our BuddyPress integration allows your app users to receive notifications when they receive a private message or public mention, just like Facebook.
Build custom events that send out notifications, such as when a post is published or on a weekly schedule.

More Features
Login and Registration
Let app users login and register in the app.
Translations and RTL
Translate your app, and allow users to choose their language.
Monetize with Ads
Use the Admob ad network to monetize your app with banner ads.
Social Sharing
Click an icon to share content with social networks or email.
Offline Content
Create 100% offline pages, allow media download for offline, and more.
Find out how people are using your app by integrating Google Analytics.
Use the native device camera and photo library to upload photos.
Protected Content
Require login to show certain pages, and integrate with your membership plugin.
Maps and Check-ins
Allow users to check-in and display their location on a map. Save their geolocation data to WordPress.
Free ebook: Everything you need to know about mobile apps
Learn how to build an app from scratch with AppPresser.