
How to Estimate a Mobile App Project for Your Clients

Many freelancers and agency owners I talk to like the idea of offering apps to their clients, but they just don’t know where to start. For an agency, part of the problem is lack of experience building apps, and the other part is they don’t know how much to charge. There is this fear that…

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Product Launch Mistakes

The first product I created and launched was a WordPress theme for fitness professionals. I had worked for a fitness company as their in-house designer for a few years, and learned a lot about the fitness world. I was still in contact with my former boss, and he agreed to help me promote the theme…

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How We Use A/B Testing to Grow Our Business

Making a change to your website usually goes like this: We need to make this page better, let’s make X changes. Then you do one of two things. 1. Get a designer to mockup changes, argue about changes internally before coming to a decision and implementing. 2. Make the changes without any discussion or testing.…

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We Paid for User Testing, Here’s How it Went

User testing is one of those things people always tell you to do, but you probably never do it. Testing is easy to put on the back burner as other more urgent issues pop up when building a website or product. It’s kind of expensive and time consuming, plus a lot of people don’t see…

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How to Masterfully Navigate the Web

I spent the better part of my early years in the San Francisco Bay Area, both working and playing in The City. So I’m no stranger to the wood-paneled lobbies, translucent atriums, and endless maze of cubicles that define the inner spaces for many of San Francisco’s towering structures, that mass of shapes defining the…

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Responsive is Not Enough

We are big on apps here at AppPresser, but we also think a lot about the mobile web. Truth be told, we consider ourselves a mobile company, not just an app company. There are a lot of parallels between the apps we build, and mobile websites. The technology is similar between our apps and mobile…

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Creating Blog Content: Tips for Getting Inspired

creating blog content, getting ideas for blog content, content marketing, how to create content, content writing, content writing tips, how to write content

There’s nothing worse than clicking, “Add New Post,” and staring down that blinking cursor on a blank background, saying to yourself, “Oh crap. What the heck am I gonna write about?” One of the places people tend to get stuck when it comes to creating blog content is the very first step: What do I even put…

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7 Product Business Fails and How to Avoid Them

I’ve been selling products online for over five years now, and I’ve made my fair share of mistakes. Product businesses have unique challenges, and if you aren’t aware of them it can hurt you as your business grows. Whether you are selling products now, or interested in what it’s like, I’m going to share some…

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AppPresser 2: what’s new and when it’s coming

AppPresser was released in January of 2014, and a little over 2 years later we are proud to announce a much improved new version. This is a major overhaul of most of our code, to allow for some great new functionality like offline mode. This release paves the way for doing things that were never…

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2015 Was Awesome, Thank You!

2015 was a great year at AppPresser, and we want to say thank you for being a part of it. It’s important that we reflect on what has happened this year so we can be grateful, and also look to next year to set goals. No matter how your year went, you can always find…

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