New Features and Improvements This Month

We are always releasing fixes and improvements, here’s the latest.
Comments on API based Posts
You can now show comments and add new ones on WordPress post list blocks.

To enable comments, just check “Show Comments” on your WordPress post list block.

For apps built prior to the date of this post, your app must be rebuilt and/or reinstalled to see the changes take effect. AppPresser plugin version 4.0.7+ required.
Faster App Performance
We added support for production builds, which results in faster app performance and smaller app bundles. This makes a big difference on Android, and also offers speed gains on iOS.
All new apps have this enabled automatically, for older apps we must enable it manually. If your app was created before the date of this post, please contact support if you’d like to enable this on your app.
Button Block Options
A couple new options are now available for the button block.
First is adding an icon, and choosing the icon position.

Second, you can now use target=”_system” on the button block, allowing you to open the Safari or Chrome browser on the device. This is also useful when launching other apps, such as Zoom.
For example, add the link as “zoomus://” and the target as system, and the button will open the Zoom app.

For apps built prior to the date of this post, your app must be rebuilt and/or reinstalled to see the changes take effect.
Easier Menu Options (Extra Classes)
You can now add menu extra classes right from the page builder, for example hiding the menu item for logged in users.

- Anchor links are now supported on API based posts
- WooCommerce bug fixes
- Improvements to BuddyPress messaging and notifications
Coming Soon
We are getting very close to releasing our all new API based LearnDash integration, it’s faster, more native, and you’re going to love it. Look for that on this blog very soon.
One of negative point of comment function is that cannot use the favourite part while using the comment in posts list block.
Perfect…love your improvements…takes time & patience but you promise & do.
Thanks for the efforts.
Pastor Dr Ramez – Egypt