Analytics for AppPresser 3 and more

We have a lot of exciting new stuff we’ve been working on, but we’ve been heads down in code and support tickets lately instead of writing blog posts. Here’s one big post with all the new features!
- Google Analytics
- API login and registration
- AppCommunity Improvements
- App Builder UI Improvements
- New stuff coming soon
Google Analytics in your apps
You can finally track app stats in Google Analytics!
In addition to app opens and pageviews, you also see user login, languages, and location information.
It’s super easy to setup, just add your tracking code in your app dashboard and rebuild your app. (We suggest creating a new property, here’s the full setup instructions)
API Login, Registration, and More
We alluded to this change in the AppCommunity release post, but we have moved login and registration away from AJAX to a fully API based system.
We also included a registration and forgot password flow that makes it 10 times easier for your app users.
To use the new system, just make sure you allow login and registration in your app dashboard settings.
AppCommunity Improvements
AppCommunity 0.2.0 has been released, and there are more updates than we have space to list here. Here’s some highlights:
- Emoji support in private messages
- Better media embeds, including BuddyBoss images
- Bug fixes galore
- Better private group handling
- Add group name in activity feed, and date in messages
- Better sender avatar handling for message threads
- Add endpoint for group members
To see all the new features, you will need to update AppCommunity and then rebuild your apps.
My AppPresser App Builder Improvements
We’ve made a few nice UI changes to make your experience building apps easier.
Add Custom Page to Menu
You can now add a custom page to your app menu right when you make the page. This will rebuild your app and add the page to the menu in one click. This may not seem like a big deal, but it will save you tons of time!
Update Live App
When you make a change to colors or menus and you want apps that are already on devices to show the changes, you can press “Update Live App.”
This was previously the “Go Live” button, and has been re-named and moved to the Build/Preview tab in your app customizer.
App Preview
We reworked the browser app preview a bit so it doesn’t refresh as often, and it also alerts you when you need to rebuild. This should speed up your app building.
New Stuff Coming Soon
The next big items on our agenda are:
- Continue making improvements to existing features/products and help customers
- Work on in app purchases
- WooCommerce API integration of some sort
In app purchases are really complex, but Apple is now requiring them for membership based sites with paid content. We are working on a way to make it easier to integrate in app purchases without losing revenue (if possible).
This one is longer term, but we are also working on an API based WooCommerce integration. This could get tricky, so we are taking our time and don’t expect to release anything until next year.
We also have some really amazing stuff happening on the services side, with some really impressive custom apps that will be released in the coming months.
Whew, that was a lot! I’ll try to put out more frequent updates in the future so I don’t have to bombard you all at once 🙂
Looking forward to this release. Especially the Woo-commerce AP integration.
More amazing things are coming to apppresser 🙂