2015 Was Awesome, Thank You!

2015 was a great year at AppPresser, and we want to say thank you for being a part of it.
It’s important that we reflect on what has happened this year so we can be grateful, and also look to next year to set goals. No matter how your year went, you can always find positive things.
The funny part is that business never feels like it’s going smoothly, because you are always focused on what is going wrong. You have to put out the daily fires, help customers with support issues, and improve your product or service. Your day to day can be stressful, but when you look back it’s easier to see everything that went right.
How the year went for us
2015 was full of great things.
We released a new product, added 2 team members, grew site traffic by 83%, and grew total company revenue by 80%. The revenue boost was due to an increase in AppPresser sales, the addition of Reactor, and some from custom app projects.
One thing we haven’t talked about much is the custom app side of the house. We have been working on some exciting stuff using the new WP-API and the Ionic Framework. We just released an exciting new app for a ski company in the Netherlands, called Wintersport. You can view the app for iOS and Android, we’ll write a full blog post on the project soon. Look for more on the custom app front in 2016.
We redesigned our website and documentation, and have been working hard on improving the user experience with our company in general.
Everything didn’t go perfectly, we had some bumps along the way. The bumps seem bigger than they really are when you are in them, but looking back I’m proud that we handled them well and kept moving forward.
What’s coming in 2016
We’ve been making big improvements to both Reactor and AppPresser, and 2016 will see version 2 of AppPresser. We are changing the way AppPresser works in a pretty big way, and one of the big advantages will be the ability to build offline content into your app. AppPresser 2 will be in beta in January, more information on that soon!
Beyond that look for more improvements in all areas, as well as some new extensions and possibly more.
2016 will be a formative year for us as we look towards the future, and I expect some big things. Thank you for being a part of our year, happy new year and have a great 2016!