Facebook Login

AppPresser has robust integration for WordPress authentication, including allowing your app users to login to WordPress using Facebook.

Logging in through Facebook allows your app users to login more easily and securely. Even if they don’t have an account on your site, you can automatically register them after they login. Your app users can use a normal login form if they don’t have a Facebook account.

You can protect menu items based on the login state, so logged in users will see protected pages, but logged out users will not. Facebook login works with all membership plugins, so any protected content in WordPress will be shown the same way it does on your website.

How to use this extension

Install the App Facebook Connect plugin included in your Agency Plan to WordPress.

The App Facebook Connect extension requires creating a Facebook App ID. Advanced users can use javascript to add other functionality through the Facebook Connect API.

Please see our documentation for setup and usage information.

This feature is only available on our Agency Plan.