
The World’s First iOS App Built On WordPress With AppPresser

WordPress iOS Application House of Ragz

Hey, we have made a lot of improvements since this app came out, check out our newest WooCommerce stuff here.

We’re pretty thrilled with how AppPresser has been received since we officially launched it on January 7th. Since then, we’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback from users and the ideas for future development have been pouring in from the community and from our users. We want you to know that we are listening to every single idea that comes through as we consider our roadmap for the near future!

Along with those requests, we’ve heard requests for an example of an app built with WordPress + AppPresser, and that is what I would like to show you today. During our Beta period, we worked with a client to build an ECommerce app that compliments their main sales web site. House of Ragz already had a great WordPress powered web site, using WooCommerce to run the ECommerce and sales aspect of the site. To note, House of Ragz is an innovative women’s online fashion retail store.

To compliment their online sales offering, House of Ragz used the AppPresser ECommerce Bundle to create an ECommerce iOS application to create a mobile app that is now available in the Apple App Store. For those of you requesting an example of an application that is using WordPress as a platform, with AppPresser – you can download and view the House of Ragz app here. (or just search for “House of Ragz” in the App Store on your iPhone or iPad).

House of Ragz is using our ECommerce bundle which includes: AppTheme, AppWoo, AppCamera and AppSwiper. Together, AppPresser + our extensions allows them to have an app that their users can download and the browse their online store and make purchases from their iPhone.

House of Ragz has already received great ratings and reviews on their app in the App Store.  Before AppPresser, they would have spent several thousands of dollars building an ECommerce app to compliment their online store. With AppPresser + WordPress, that cost is dramatically less – were talking hundreds, not thousands, of dollars to build their application.  The savings are incredible!

Download the House of Ragz app in the Apple Store today to see a real world, working example of the world’s first iOS application built with WordPress as the platform.

Interested in building your own ECommerce application?  Check out our ECommerce Bundle for AppPresser.  If you are an agency who is interested in building mobile applications for your client base, check out our Agency Bundle – it gives you everything you need to start building applications with WordPress today!

Get the AppPresser ECommerce Bundle

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