
April Product Update – Custom Fonts and BuddyPress Xprofile Editing

Phone with messaging shown

While there are a bunch of updates this month, there are two we’re particularly proud of. First, you can now change the heading and body fonts in your AppPresser app. You can use Roboto, Roboto Slab, Lato, Oswald, Merriweather as well as any custom Google Font (custom fonts don’t work offline).

The second big update is with our AppCommunity integration for BuddyPress. Many customers have been asking for the ability to edit your profile fields in your app. This is now possible, including changing your avatar from the app. You can see a video of this feature below.

App Builder Feature

New Custom Fonts

AppPush 3.5.0 released 3/21

AppCommunity 0.3.0 released 3/25

AppBuddy 3.3.0 3/28

AppPresser 3.8.0 3/28

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