
Version 3 Deprecation

AppPresser version 3 is now deprecated. That means we are no longer adding new features or bug fixes, any customers on v3 who wish to continue building apps should upgrade to AppPresser 4.

Anyone who purchased after March 2020 or who already upgraded can ignore this article.


It was not our intention to deprecate AppPresser 3 so soon, but 2 things happened:

  1. Apple announced that they would no longer accept apps with the UI Webview
  2. ​Adobe announced that they were discontinuing PhoneGap Build

AppPresser 3 uses both of those technologies, so whether we like it or not, the apps won’t work anymore. It doesn’t make sense for us to continue working on the version 3 code since you won’t even be able to rebuild apps or submit them to the app stores.

Luckily, we got ahead of these issues with the release of AppPresser 4 back in March. AppPresser 4 does not use the UIWebview or PhoneGap Build, plus it has a ton of big improvements.

How to Upgrade to v4

If you are an AppPresser 3 customer and you’d like to continue updating your apps or creating new ones, you will need to upgrade to version 4.

By upgrading, you get all the new goodies in version 4 such as better performance, better design, and automated app store re-submission. Read this article for all the new features.

There are breaking changes, and some plugin updates are required. You will need to take some steps to migrate your apps, it is not a one-click upgrade.

Since you are getting new features, and the setup process is involved for our support team, there is an upgrade fee. Please contact support for more details on upgrading your account.

What happens if I don’t upgrade?

We will not be forcing anyone to upgrade, or deleting anything. If you choose not to upgrade, your account will still be active, but you will not be able to build or create any apps.

You can make changes to existing apps that are already in the app stores, for example color changes. Any changes that require a rebuild or resubmission require upgrading to v4.

Please contact support for more details on upgrading your account.

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